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Breakfast might be the meal with the most routine. Most of us eat the same thing everyday. How about changing it up a bit this weekend? How about S’mores French Toast with Nutella?

S'mores French Toast with Nutella Recipe

Photo is a Screen Shot from the Video

S’mores French Toast with Nutella

If you are like us, you probably start everyday with a cup of coffee or a bowl of cereal, a plate of eggs and bacon or maybe a smoothie.

Breakfast has become boring.

PopSugar wants to change that – at least for a day. In this fun video they combine everyone’s favorite childhood treat, s’mores, with Nutella and french toast into one epic dish.

Yes, Nutella-Stuffed S’mores French Toast! Because it’s time to make breakfast s’more better.

Video Courtesy of PopSugar YouTube Page

S’mores French Toast with Nutella Recipe

Ingredients (Taken from the Video)

  • 2 Eggs
  • 3/4 cup Half-and-Half
  • 1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon
  • Salt
  • 4 Graham Crackers
  • 2 slices Texas Toast or other thick sliced Bread
  • 1 tablespoon Butter
  • 2 tablespoons Nutella, storebought or use our recipe to make Homemade Nutella – Click Here Now to make Homemade Nutella
  • 2 tablespoons Marshmallow Fluff
  • Mini Marshmallows, for garnish
  • Mini Chocolate Chips, for garnish
  • Chocolate Syrup, for garnish

Directions (Taken from the Video)

  1. In a medium bowl, add eggs and half-and-half. Whisk until fully combined.
  2. Add Add cinnamon and a pinch of salt. Whisk.
  3. Pour mixture into a shallow bowl that is wide enough to dip the bread into.
  4. Crush graham crackers with your hands. Place in another wide, shallow bowl.
  5. Place a slice of bread into the egg mixture and allow to soak for about 10 seconds. Flip over and repeat with other side.
  6. Carefully remove from egg mixture and place into the bowl with the crushed Graham crackers.
  7. Press gently to adhere the crumbs to the bread. Flip and do the same with the other side.
  8. Repeat entire process with the second piece of bread. Set aside.
  9. Place a large skillet (large enough to place both pieces of bread into it at the same time) over medium-low heat.
  10. Melt butter in the skillet.
  11. Add both slices of prepared bread to the skillet. Cook for about 2 – 3 minutes, until bread is nicely toasted.
  12. Flip both slices over.
  13. While the second side is cooking, immediately spread marshmallow fluff on one slice and Nutella to the other. Be careful not to rip the bread.
  14. Continue to cook for an additional 2 to 3 minutes until bread is nicely toasted.
  15. Carefully flip one piece of the bread on top of the other so that the Nutella and marshmallow cream are inside, like a sandwich.
  16. Remove the “sandwich” from the pan cookie sheet.
  17. Place a handful of mini marshmallows on top.
  18. Place cookie sheet in oven and set to broil.
  19. Brown the marshmallows for a few minutes – Watch closely so you don’t burn them. It can happen very quickly. (Alternatively, use a kitchen brulee touch, like she does in the video, if you have one.)
  20. Place french toast onto a serving plate.
  21. Drizzle with chocolate syrup and sprinkle with mini chocolate chips.
  22. Enjoy.

Recipe Transcribed from the Video on PopSugar YouTube Page


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Original Video can be found at How to Make S’mores French Toast | Eat the Trend. Additional Information Courtesy of Wikipedia and is used by permission

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